Viña Alondra on TV – La 8 Ávila – Ávila Auténtica
Here you have the video report created by the public television channel “La 8” from Ávila. Proud to be part of ÁVILA AUTÉNTICA
Respeto al cultivo tradicional y a los tiempos que marca la tierra. Las dos variables que marcan la diferencia en Viña Alondra y sus vinos ecológicos
Nuestra uva fermenta en racimo, haciendo que el mosto coja carácter antes de ser extraído
La tierra y el agua nos ayudan a obtener una gama de vinos innovadora. Enterrados o sumergidos, dos reposos que dan a nuestros vinos alma y equilibrio
In the region of La Moraña, Avila, rainfall is scarce and its impact is a performance by strain low, but creating a high-quality wine grapes.
Our wines get reflect the nature of the terrain where the grapes ripen: aromas of resin from the pine trees surrounding the vineyard, and mineral notes from the sandy ground that rooted its strains.
Here you have the video report created by the public television channel “La 8” from Ávila. Proud to be part of ÁVILA AUTÉNTICA
Origin of the name Accidental wines are named for the way in which they were discovered processing, accidentally. The wine was either buried or submerged without any pretense, but results were excellent. Viña Alondra have Read more…
We are not satisfied with maintaining the ancient strains of Grenache, but that increase the surface and plant new strains of variety Tempranillo (or fine ink) as it is known in the region in the Read more…